วันอังคารที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


All of the people in the world have their own culture. I think one country has one culture, which may not be same as another country.

The culture depends on a lot of factors; for example the country’s geographix, climate, people’s thinking and people’s living. When I went to Khao Sarn Road, I asked other people who came from a lot of countries about their cultures this made me know that most countries have different cultures. Each country has their own language and their language is a way to show their culture, however language is not the only one thing to show culture. I think their ways of living, their ways of acting, clothes and accessories, source of food, etc. can show their culture too. I think that in each country if most people always do something in the same way, the less people who live in the same country have many different of most people do. This is the country’s culture.

The greeting is culture also. You can see the people who live in Asia have a different greeting from Europe, America and Africa. The country which has cold weather, people wear thick clothes for making the body warm but the people in the hot countries wear thin clothes. In some cold countries, people need to use fire to give heat in their houses and make their body warm so they have a culture to thank the god of fire. Some countries for example in Norway have a culture to thank rain because the rain gives water to them and in some parts of Thailand we have a culture for asking god to give rain for farmers to grow rice and plants.

It shows that people have different thinking depending on what they have in their different environment.
